

Page history last edited by Larissa Olesova 16 years, 2 months ago




Fall 2008

World Economy,  Yakutsk State University




Course Instructors: Natalya Nickolayevna Alexeeva (in-class instruction), Larissa Alexeevna Olesova (online instruction)


When: September-November, 2008


Where: 535 KFEN YSU


Days: Monday - Friday


Chapter 12_1. pdf For Purdue-Yakutsk Videoconferencing in Upload Files



“Change We Can Believe In!” or “Country First” ?




1.      http://www.voanews.com/specialenglish/2008-10-15-voa3.cfm

      American Election Expressions

2.      http://uselections.pbwiki.com/FrontPage

This pbwiki was created by Todd Vidamour, our Fellow in Novosibirsk together with a team from Kolomna State Pedagogical University under the guidance of ELO David Fay. It provides English Language teachers with fun, practical, and easily applicable ideas and activities to help their students better understand the different electoral processes. Don’t miss the US Election Terminology List (on the right top of the page) and you will become experts in Bunkum, “Swinging’, ‘hanging’ and ‘pregnant Chad’, NASCAR Dad, Soccer Mom, etc.

3.      http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/


A great site dissecting U.S. Presidential campaign commercials, and which includes a

collection starting with the 1952 campaign. Resources for teachers are available – don’t

miss them at the bottom of the front page on the left. The “Online Resources” page contains a wealth of annotated links on the topic.


For the week of 10/27

1. Thank you for submitting the initial messages to Nicenet. This week, you will continue discussions by trying to determine the research focus in your groups with the students from TX and DC. Please, be patient and more active by delivering your views. Please, use argumentations and your personal attitude in your discussions. The deadline to finish group discussions is Sunday November 2 midnight Yakutsk time. This week you will be assigned a wrapper role to summarize the weekly discussions. Please, read your role below from previous week assignment. This assignment is graded for 4 points out of 4 points according to the previous procedures: initial (1), questions and comments to other students in the group (1), answers to the questions from other students in your group (1) and for creative and critical thinking issues (1). The results for this week will be sent to Natalya Nickolayevna's email.

2. Please, continue writing the paragraph in wiki and submit revisions by Wednesday October 29 midnight Yakutsk time.

3. Use the files about paragraph writing from upload files in wiki. Be careful with grammar structure.

4. If you have questions, please, feel free to submit it to lolesovaedci@yahoo.com


For the week of 10/20

In small cyber groups in NIcenet (http://www.nicenet.org), you will discuss the research focus to write the first draft of your essay. The group in Yakutsk will be working on gathering the information for their comparative-contrast essay. This week 10/20-25, 2008, please, collaborate with your group members from Yakutsk, Washington, DC and Dallas, TX by using the Conferencing in Nicenet. By having read the document “The First Debates”, the questions/answers for the documents (from your instructors provided), and the websites in the Nicenet link sharing part (lefthand part of your screen), please, negotiate which focus your group will be sharing for the essay. The roles for this week 10/20-25, 2008:

Starter for Yakutsk - If you are designated a starter, your job is to post a preliminary posting to get the review/comments started about a particular reading. Post your starter writing assignment on the first day of the review/comments period.

Wrapper for Dallas, TX - If you are designated a wrapper, your job is to summarize the points that were made during the review/comments with regard to a particular reading. Post your wrap-up comment during the last day of the review/comments period or before class on the day immediately following the review/discussion period.

Gadfly for Washington, DC - If you are designated a gadfly, your job is to challenge points made by other members of the class. Do not try to challenge every comment, but pick out a couple of posting from classmates and make counter-arguments. Your job is to keep the review/comments balanced by bringing up other points of view.


Video Wiki Tutorial   General Guidelines to work in WIKI:**


1. Go to the wiki and request permission from your instructor by clicking on the button Request. When you are granted with an access, be sure to give your name and e-mail address when you log in.
2. Read the information on the Home page (also called the Front Page).
3. Create a new page by clicking on New Page. Be sure to hit the Save button when you are finished.
4. Edit an old page by going to the page and clicking on Edit. Be sure to hit the Save button when you are finished.
5. Add a photo by clicking on Image, browsing for the image, and uploading it. (It's the same way you would do it in MS Word.)
6. Make a link by clicking on Link and providing the URL.
7. Click on History at the bottom of a wiki page to see a list of all of the edited versions of that page.
8. To work with the course menu, click on Side Bar on the right.
9. Log out.

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