

This version was saved 16 years, 5 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Larissa Olesova
on September 20, 2008 at 9:36:13 pm




Fall 2008

World Economy,  Yakutsk State University




Course Instructors: Natalya Nickolayevna Alexeeva (in-class instruction), Larissa Alexeevna Olesova (online instruction)


When: September-November, 2008


Where: 535 KFEN YSU


Days: Monday - Friday



Video Wiki Tutorial   General Guidelines to work in WIKI:**


1. Go to the wiki and log in using the wiki password that your instructor gave you. Be sure to give your name and e-mail address when you log in.
2. Read the information on the Home page (also called the Front Page).
3. Create a new page by clicking on New Page. Be sure to hit the Save button when you are finished.
4. Edit an old page by going to the page and clicking on Edit. Be sure to hit the Save button when you are finished.
5. Add a photo by clicking on Image, browsing for the image, and uploading it. (It's the same way you would do it in MS Word.)
6. Make a link by clicking on Link and providing the URL.
7. Click on History at the bottom of a wiki page to see a list of all of the edited versions of that page.
8. To work with the course menu, click on Side Bar on the right.
9. Log out.

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