Fall 2008
World Economy, Yakutsk State University
Course Instructors: Natalya Nickolayevna Alexeeva (in-class instruction), Larissa Alexeevna Olesova (online instruction)
When: September-November, 2008
Where: 535 KFEN YSU
Days: Monday - Friday
This week of 10/13, you will be working on the first writing assignment - writing a paragraph. To write a paragraph based on your readings of the document "First Debates" (Uload/Views Files in Wiki), choose the most interesting topic from the programs and answers of two candidates. I have already assigned your the roles: a starter, a writer (or gadfly), and a wrapper. The deadline for this assignment is Sunday October 19, 2008 midnight of Yakutsk time.
a. If you are assigned a starter, your task to write 2-3 introductory sentences on the topics you as a team chose from the document by mentioning two key points for both candiates. The first sentence should be general and touch upon a general attitude. The second and the third sentences should review each candidate's attitude towards the topic you chose. For example, health insurance for both programs or international affairs, etc. Use YOUR OWN WORDS, DO NOT USE THE DOCUMENTS SENTENCES!!!!
b. If you are assigned a writer (gadfly), you will be writing one paragraph where one will be working on Barack Obama's part, and the other is working on John McCain's part. You will see your role for the paragraph writing in your team's cells in wiki. Your task is describe each candiate attitude - do not exceed more than 3 sentences to each paragraph.
c. If you are assigned a wrapper, your task is to summarize the weekly writing by overviewing and restating the introductory part by using the paragraph's key ideas. Do not exceed 2-3 sentences.
This writing task will not be graded officially, however, each team will receive some feedback concerning the quality of their writings. Good luck!!!
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