Fall 2008
World Economy, Yakutsk State University
Course Instructors: Natalya Nickolayevna Alexeeva (in-class instruction), Larissa Alexeevna Olesova (online instruction)
When: September-November, 2008
Where: 535 KFEN YSU
Days: Monday - Friday
In small cyber groups in NIcenet (, you will discuss the research focus to write the first draft of your essay. The group in Yakutsk will be working on gathering the information for their comparative-contrast essay. This week 10/20-25, 2008, please, collaborate with your group members from Yakutsk, Washington, DC and Dallas, TX by using the Conferencing in Nicenet. By having read the document “The First Debates”, the questions/answers for the documents (from your instructors provided), and the websites in the Nicenet link sharing part (lefthand part of your screen), please, negotiate which focus your group will be sharing for the essay. The roles for this week 10/20-25, 2008:
Starter for Yakutsk - If you are designated a starter, your job is to post a preliminary posting to get the review/comments started about a particular reading. Post your starter writing assignment on the first day of the review/comments period.
Wrapper for Dallas, TX - If you are designated a wrapper, your job is to summarize the points that were made during the review/comments with regard to a particular reading. Post your wrap-up comment during the last day of the review/comments period or before class on the day immediately following the review/discussion period.
Gadfly for Washington, DC - If you are designated a gadfly, your job is to challenge points made by other members of the class. Do not try to challenge every comment, but pick out a couple of posting from classmates and make counter-arguments. Your job is to keep the review/comments balanced by bringing up other points of view.
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5. Add a photo by clicking on Image, browsing for the image, and uploading it. (It's the same way you would do it in MS Word.)
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