
Team G Presentation

Page history last edited by Ira Nickolaeva 16 years, 3 months ago

G is for Genious.

meet our team:

Irina Nikolaeva: the brain of our team, interested in history, philosophy and politic.

Alexandra Nahodkina: the face of our team, beauty smille, interested in communications with peoples, reading magazines.

Tatyana Makarova: the soul of our team, shinny person, likes animals, pets and all world.



We are 3rd years students of YSU. We are soo different of each other, but the team, because all of us  is interesting in economy, learning languages, traveling and communication with foreign peoples. Participating in this project is very interesting for us, and we hope, that this experiance will help us in our future life.


   Being one of the biggest and the most powerful country USA has a lead position on politic arena, nowadays problem of war is the most important for civilization and we can saw a terrible situation, when one country makes everything it wants and even begin a war. During history, we can saw many precedents of unnecessary and bloody wars, which USA begins. Now, when the question of who will be the next president of USA is actual, we want to saw at candidats position about war.

   Senator McCain says, that lesson of Iraq is choosing a right strategy; he told that wining in this war will make an honor for Americans, but we think that it is a black spot on their history. In addition, senator says that the strategy of war in Iraq will help them won other wars; however, we cannot understand why they always prepared a war in the time of peace?

   Senator Obama says, that in the question of war he has a fundamental difference of McCain, and he think, that whether they should have gone into the war in the first place. Mr. Obama says that the most important is the problem of terrorism and their "job in Afghanistan". Again, we cannot understand, why USA thinks, that they are almightily, and that they can decide, who will be the next on the way of unnecessary war.

   Making conclusion we would like to say, that these questions are very important for us. Such country as USA should be very caution in their policy, and try to find peace ways to regulation conflicts, in place of entering in war, and during this problem, we are interested, who will be the next president of USA, and will he can to keep a peace.

Comments (4)

Larissa Olesova said

at 8:48 pm on Oct 12, 2008

Team G, whera er you? Larissa

Larissa Olesova said

at 5:31 pm on Oct 19, 2008

Please, correct grammar - verbs, tenses, - why "country" is "she" not "it"? What "our country" is? Explain. Or mention the country itself. Be vareful with word order in sentences - correct them. Past and Present for "spend" and "spent"? How are your conclusion with WWII and the introduction interrelated together? It is not clear because WWII was not mentioned at the beginning and why you mentioned it in your conclusion? Do not argue from your side in the paragraph - your paragraph should describe the views of two candidates without analysis from your side. It is not necessary. Your task is to find the topic, describe at the beggining, give reasons and statements in the body and come to conclusion. Please, rewrite introdutory and conclusion again - post the updated version by this Sunday October 26 by midnight of Yakutsk time.

Ira Nickolaeva said

at 12:58 am on Oct 20, 2008

1st of all, the term "our country" is not used in this topic, 2nd, "she" is means America, but it was corrected, 3rd, problem of beginning of WWIII (Third) is very actual now, and by this topic we wanted to say, that future president of the USA should pay attention to foreign policy.
I can just apologies about mistakes in grammar, and about our uncorrectable understanding of task.
We will try to rewrite it.
Best wishes.

Larissa Olesova said

at 10:52 am on Oct 26, 2008

Hi, team G

Please, revise grammar structures:
we can saw a terrible situation;
when one country makes everything it wants and even begin a war;
During history, we can saw many precedents of unnecessary and bloody wars,
we want to saw at candidats position about war.
he told that wining in this war will make an honor for Americans;
the strategy of war in Iraq will help them won other wars;
he think;
Please, explain how Iraq comes to this part that you didn't mentione in your introductory part? - that lesson of Iraq is choosing a right strategy;
Please, revise the parts in your writing again:
Be careful with the word "war" - why you use it with and without article - if you describe the same "war" - please, follow the rules of articles. Also, mentione all countries involved into the war at the beginning - otherwise, it is hard to jump from one to another trying to connect them together. Do not put your position into the writing - your task is to describe not to argue. It is a descriptive paragraph without reporting. Please, revise and submit it to Wednesday October 29 by midnight Yakutsk time, Larissa

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